A downloadable game for Windows

Think you've got what it takes to build an industrial Kingdom with only water and money as your limiting Factors? I don't, but here's how you can give it a good shot:

Pressing Space on water picks up the water. Pressing space on grass creates a factory, which costs $25 and 1litre of water. Dirt also exists. Dirt is useless. Dirt is bad. Avoid Dirt. Dirt is actually unavoidable. Oh well. Every 60 - 120 seconds a random event occurs to make it harder. You'll figure them out.

My High Score is: I'll let you know soon!

Good Luck. You'll need it.


It's A Small World 24 MB

Install instructions

1. Download

2. Right click and unzip

3. Make sure that IASW.exe is in the same folder as the IASW_Data folder

3. Double click the .exe

4. Huzzah.

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